I just finished reading 'The Prairie Girl's Guide to Life - How to Sew a Sampler Quilt & 49 Other Pioneer Projects for the Modern Girl' by Jennifer Worick. Overall I'd say it was a good book. I liked the stories that she gives regarding different projects and wish she'd put more of the stories into the book. The crafts and projects were pretty basic, but what one would expect from this type of book. If you're fascinated with pioneer girls or farm girls this book would probably be a good read. If you're a city girl totally and shudder at getting dirty this might not be your type of book. If you're a farm girl wannabe this would probably be the ideal book for a general overview of skills and things a farm girl might need to have.
She describes skills that most pioneer or farm girls need to have including quilting, knitting, and soap making. She also includes things like lacing corsets, recipes for making cleaning supplies, how to brush a horse and directions on how to square dance. Each chapter is a room of the house or barn/outside and includes a wide variety of things to do and crafts. For example in the chapter Kitchen she gives directions on how to make a flour sack apron. I enjoyed reading it even though I know how to do most of the craft projects she gave, which is probably why I enjoyed the stories she wove into it the most. Amazon currently has it marked down to $5.95 if you're interested in buying it.
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