We've been in somewhat of a stage of shock this week. Matt received a phone call last Friday saying that the company he'd interviewed with several weeks ago was interested in him for another position. They set up a time for him to interview Monday. On Monday they informed him they were going to have their secretary call him the next day and set up a flight for him to come out an do a face-to-face interview. They also told him they needed him immediately if they give him a job offer, like two weeks after the interview immediately. We had a bit of a scare because the secretary didn't call until Wednesday so we had all of Tuesday wondering if they'd changed their mind. Needless to say our heads were spinning a bit trying to wrap our heads around how fast this could go down. We're hoping that since they're dropping a considerable amount of money to fly him out there that they're serious and he'll receive a job offer. We've been shopping for a new shirt and tie and everything is ready - all he needs to do is pack at this point. He'll be up about 4:30 tomorrow morning to make his early flight. We're hoping for a job offer tomorrow.
The first thing we dealt with this morning was an extremely invasive Trojan virus that infected my computer. Matt used a program called Trojan Killer, about $39, to strip it out of my system. It appears to have done a great job. The Trojan virus shows up initially as what appears to be a Windows popup saying you've been infected and you need to download something - DON'T! You're already infected but it will just dig itself into your system more if you open the file. It's not Windows even though the filed is called Windows Defense Council.
It's in the 90's already today. Jamestown, North Dakota is 57. Need I state which state I wish I was in! The last thing I want to do today is heat up the house any more then it already is. I've had to turn the air on already. For supper I put some chicken in the crockpot with some root beer bbq sauce and that's simmering away to make pulled chicken sandwiches for supper. I'll probably make potato salad since I've got a craving for it. Matt is helping my youngest son pick up his new bed and set it up. My two youngest bought a double wide mobile home together and are sharing expenses.
I swept the living room yesterday but the dogs and cats are blowing their coats and the floor was covered again so I reswept the living room, hallway, and our bedroom. I have all the laundry done and folded/put away. I also managed to make some lemongrass goat milk soap this afternoon. I'm so excited to finally get some of this made. I love the scent of lemongrass to wake me up in the morning especially in the summer - it's such a nice clean invigerating scent. Matt enjoys it too in the morning. It just wakes up your scenses. Unfortunately it won't be ready for at a month to use. I'm also in the process of setting up an Etsy shop to sell my soaps in. I've had a lot of people ask me about getting some so I figure an Etsy store will be the easiest method of selling for now.
Have a thoughtful Memorial Day!
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