Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The garden is at full throttle with tomatoes growing and baby green beans appearing. I'm dreading the tomatoes ripening as we're going to end up with a TON of tomatoes - I have 13 tomato plants. How somebody that is allergic to raw tomatoes ends up with that many tomato plants I'm not sure plus we have another 4 tomitillo plants. I need to get a food mill, pressure canner, and lots of jars so we can process and can them. We harvested several good size zucchini's and I made my first batch of chocolate chip zucchini muffins. Matt hates zucchini so the fact that not only did he try one but had them again today for breakfast is impressive. My theory is that if you add chocolate chips to something everybody will eat it and like it. We also harvested 3 heads of broccoli. It taste so good. We did up a foil packet adding italian dressing to the broccoli and a couple ice cubes then put them on the grill.

The baby afghan is coming along. I've got about 7 inches completed (planning on 36 inches total). I would have had more completed but last night realized I'd made a mistake multiple rows back and had to do the frogging thing (or ripping out the stitches thing) for about 3 inches. Heartbreaking, especially since I'm on a tight timeline with starting this project so late. The needles I have are double ended hooks and the stitches kept falling off the end when I had the entire row on the hook (this is why the tunisian/afghan stitch is different then regular crochet). I thought I'd been diligent about picking them back up but obviously not. My plan had been to get some polymer clay and make some type of cap on one end but hadn't gotten to it. After frogging back I went on a hunting expedition to find something that would work to keep the stitches from falling off. Matt and I searched and searched and then I found it - a rubber knitting needle tip - perfect!! So I've now caught up with where I originally was before having to frog and hopefully will stay on track.

Supper last night was skillet steaks that I'd picked up on a manager's special for 50% off - they were less than $3 for 6 smalls skillet steaks. Matt marinaded and grilled them. Being so thin these take minutes to cook and would be easy to overcook but Matt's really good about not burning food on the grill. We wanted a light meal so I made a crunchy chinese slaw with asian ginger dressing that I've been wanting to make. Matt liked it and my son hated it. I put chopped green onions in it and my kids hate onions. I put some of the slaw mix without dressing into a container to bring to work today and then put some dressing into another container so it wouldn't get soggy. I also brought my leftover fajita from Monday's dinner out to use that up.

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